IT Strategy Consulting
Information technology today is a critical function in the enterprise. IT is not only a supporting function, helping to automate routine tasks and promoting process efficiency: It has also become integrated into the products and services of many industries.
With expertise in both business and technology, our IT strategy consultants can facilitate development of an integrated IT strategy for the organization. Our approach to IT strategy is a focused engagement that includes the following activities:
Business and IT Alignment. We begin with a review of the mission, vision, goals, and strategy of the business, so that we can derive the implications for IT–what IT needs to be and do in order to support the business strategy and deliver business value.
IT Current State Analysis. Here we conduct an assessment of the current IT environment, including the organization’s data centers, networks, equipment, documentation, and use of cloud computing.
IT Future State Vision. This is the visioning stage of IT strategy, envisioning a future state where IT systems, technology, people, and processes are fully aligned with the business strategy.
IT Strategy Roadmap. This is the formulation stage, where we define the individual initiatives of the IT roadmap and weave them into a strategic narrative: a story of where you are going and how you’ll get there. Strategic initiatives can include new business application systems and IT capabilities, upgrades, IT infrastructure improvements, IT organizational changes or restructuring, IT process improvements, IT governance structures, and risk management programs.
A complete IT strategy covers the following areas, which our consultants can selectively tailor according to your needs:
IT Applications Portfolio: the business applications that the organization will utilize in support of business processes. These commonly include ERP, CRM, HR/HCM, business intelligence/analytics, and a wide variety of industry-specific systems.
IT Infrastructure: The technical architecture of hardware, operating systems, databases, end-user computing platforms, communications, and facilities.
IT Service Management: decisions concerning how and where IT services should be delivered and by whom.
IT Organizational Design: IT is not just a matter of technology–it is also about people.
IT Management Best Practices: include best practices for IT governance, IT financial management, IT operations, IT security and risk management, applications development, and innovation.